Servicing zip codes

Jewelers' Supplies in this list provide services to multiple zip codes in and around Santa Fe (i.e 87500, 87501, 87502). For specific service areas, kindly reach out to the individual businesses.

Jewelers' Supplies in Santa Fe, NM

  • Names and Numbers Verified Beads Gemstones Jewelers' Supplies Minerals

    Specializing in genuine, natural stones that are not dyed, synthesized, "stabilized" or "enhanced"-just genuine cut and polished gemstones, or pure rough gem material for your use. We provide a selection of natural gem crystals, faceted gemstones, picture jaspers, fine lapis, tu…

    930 Baca St Santa Fe, NM
    (505) 820-7764
  • Names and Numbers Verified Beads Diamonds Fossils & Minerals - Collectibles Gemstones

    Welcome to Earthfire Gems Gallery. We are located in downtown Santa Fe, NM, and have collected some of nature's most beautiful offerings. We are a world-class marketplace for precious colored stones, diamonds, gold & silver jewelry, beads, fossils, minerals, curios, sacred statu…

    121 Galisteo Santa Fe, NM
    (505) 982-8750
  • Art Classes Art Supplies Beads Gemstones

    Santa Fe Jewelers Supply from Santa Fe, NM. Company specialized in: Art Classes. Please call us for more information - (505) 988-9157

    Santa Fe, NM
    (505) 988-9157

Search results hints


We searched for top Jewelers' Supplies serving Santa Fe, NM. Looking for more businesses? Try to change search location to New Mexico state.


This list contains only Jewelers' Supplies and related businesses. Each business has at least one contact information (phone, website or email).

Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.