Things to do in Durango - Names and Numbers
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Things to do in Durango

About Durango

Durango, located in the southwest corner of Colorado, is an attractive blend of historic landmarks and cultural tourist attractions. Durango has a lot of spectacular outdoor adventure activities and other active things to do since it is surrounded by gorgeous mountains, valleys, and woods, with canyons and deserts nearby.

While the majority of visitors come to Durango for superb hiking, mountain biking, and skiing, the old mining town also boasts a wonderful historical core to explore. The Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, one of the most spectacular rail excursions in the United States, is its main attraction.

With a variety of significant and magnificent archaeological sites nearby, such as Mesa Verde, Durango is well worth a visit if you have the opportunity.

Colorado Trail

The Colorado Trail, which stretches from Durango to Denver, is one of the most attractive destinations to enjoy hiking and mountain riding. It stretches over 485 kilometers and passes through gorgeous mountains and stunning countryside, beginning on the northern outskirts of town.

Although only a few hikers often finish the full path, residents and visitors alike enjoy hiking, bicycling, and even horseback riding along the sections closest to Durango.

Durango Wildlife Museum

The Durango Wildlife Museum, located on the banks of the Animas River, is located to the north of the town center. It features a fish hatchery that stocks the neighboring rivers and lakes with salmon and trout, as well as educational displays about the area's ecology and fauna.

Visitors may feed the thousands of fish that swim in vast shoals in outdoor ponds and tanks, as well as see a movie on how the hatchery works. The adjacent museum has information on Colorado's native fauna as well as its different ecosystems and habitats. There are educational displays, picture exhibits, and mounted animals and fish on display.

San Juan National Forest

The gorgeous San Juan National Forest, which covers a large area of southwest Colorado, is only a short drive north of town. Its untamed stretches are sure to satisfy nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, with many recreational activities like hiking, mountain biking, river rafting, skiing, and snowmobiling.

President Theodore Roosevelt established it in 1905 to conserve the large areas of ponderosa pines that cover the southern half of the San Juan Mountains. Furthermore, alpine wilderness places may be discovered concealed within the beautiful forest, with rushing rivers and gorges strewn around.

Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

Taking a ride on the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, one of the most aesthetically striking train excursions in the United States is the highlight of many people's visit to the town. Originally constructed in 1882 to carry gold and silver between the two cities, the 45-mile-long track is today used as a tourist and historical line.

Its rails, now a National Historic Landmark, snake through the San Juan Mountains, taking about three and a half hours one way. The iconic steam train and its attractive antique carriages gently make their way to Silverton, passing breathtaking landscapes and precipitous waterfalls that provide fantastic picture opportunities.