Cornerstone Regional Surveying LLC - Pittsburg, KS | Names and Numbers

Company Description

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Cornerstone Regional Surveying, LLC (Cornerstone) is a professional services company providing a wide range of land surveying services. The company was formed in June of 1996 and has progressively expanded
to include licensing in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Two licensed surveyors are employed by the company and are accompanied by a staff of highly qualified field, drafting, and administrative personnel. The licensed land surveyors have a combined experience of over 64 years, and a combined staff with over 175 years of experience.
Our experience includes working with other professionals in the fields of engineering, planning, land development, oil and gas exploration and pipelines, geology, environmental remediation, construction, real estate, and lending. Our crews are equipped to perform all tasks generally encountered in the surveying field,
including Real-Time Kinematics GPS surveying. We use an integrated electronic field to finish system designed to minimize errors and maximize productivity.

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Products & Services

Rural, Suburban And Urban Boundary Surveys.Al Ta Land Title Surveys - Commercial Properties, Tower Site Surveys With Faa Certifications, Topographic Surveys, Construction Layout, Energy Exploration Services, Control Surveys (Geodetic), Commercial & Residential Subdivision Preparation, Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping Survey Control And Sub-Contracting  

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Cornerstone Regional Surveying LLC

Names and Numbers Verified Land Surveyors Land Planning
677 S Highway 69 Pittsburg, KS
(620) 331-6767

Other Locations

1921 N Penn Independence, KS

Baxter Springs, KS

Columbus, KS

Coffeyville, KS

Ft Scott, KS

Iola, KS

Chanute, KS

(620) 235-1166
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