Local Businesses in Butler, MO - Names and Numbers

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Butler, MO

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Butler, Missouri Facts:

County: Bates

Population: 5,377

Coverage Area (Total): 3.9 sq. miles

Elevation: 863 ft.

Cities/Towns covered in local Names and Numbers Phone Book: Aaron, Adrian, Altona, Amoret, Amsterdam, Appleton City, Archie, Athol, Austin, Ballard, Burdett, Butler, Creighton, Crescent Hill, Dayton, Drexel, Everett, Foster, Hudson, Hume, Johnstown, Lacyville, Lindale, Main City, Mayesburg, Merwin, Monteith Junction, New Home, Nyhart, Papinville, Passaic, Pleasant Gap, Prairie City, Rich Hill, Rockville, Rucker, Sprague, Spruce, Urich, Virginia, Worland

Our online Yellow Pages for Butler, MO offer complete listings for area businesses. Listing information includes addresses, phone numbers, websites, maps, and more!

Butler History

Butler first filed plans to divide its area into building lots, or plats, in 1853. The town became the county seat of Bates County in 1856, and a 50-by-50-foot brick courthouse was established in Butler shortly thereafter. The courthouse was destroyed by fire in 1861 as a result of events during the Civil War, but was reestablished on two separate occasions – 1869 and 1902. The 1902 edition stands in use as the Bates County courthouse to this day.

Are you new to Butler? Just checking out the area? Please see the links provided below to find local attractions, helpful resources, and recurring events.

Butler Attractions

Butler Tourism

Popular Businesses Near Butler

Adrian Missouri Chamber Of Commerce logo

Adrian Missouri Chamber Of Commerce

Names and Numbers Verified Chambers Of Commerce
116 E Main Adrian, MO
Butler License Office logo

Butler License Office

Names and Numbers Verified Driver Licensing & Testing Government - State Highway Patrols License Services Motor Vehicle Registration Services
105 N Orange St Butler, MO
American Heritage, Realtors logo

American Heritage, Realtors

Names and Numbers Verified Commercial & Industrial Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate - Farms & Ranches Residential & Recreational Real Estate Agents
1000 S Commercial Harrisonville, MO

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