Local Businesses in Chanute, KS - Names and Numbers

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Chanute, KS

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Chanute, Kansas Facts:

County: Neosho

Coverage Area (Total): 7.15 sq. miles

Elevation: 958 ft.

Population: 9,085

Chanute History

Chanute was founded out of a dispute between four rival towns (Alliance, Chicago, New Chicago, Tioga) looking to claim the rights to house the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston Railroad's new land office in the early 1870s. The dispute was settled by Octave Chanute, chief engineer and general superintendent of the LL&G, when he suggested the four towns merge. As a result, the towns came together and were chartered as Chanute in 1873.

Chanute Attractions

Chanute maintains a variety of attractions including:

Popular Businesses Near Chanute

Savonburg Public Library logo

Savonburg Public Library

Names and Numbers Verified Libraries
101 S Walnut St Savonburg, KS
La Harpe Police Dept logo

La Harpe Police Dept

Names and Numbers Verified Police Departments
902 S Washington Ave La Harpe, KS
Woodson County Treasurers Office logo

Woodson County Treasurers Office

Names and Numbers Verified Driver Licensing & Testing License Services Motor Vehicle Registration Services
105 W Rutledge St Room 105 Yates Center, KS

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