Local Businesses in Clovis, NM - Names and Numbers

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Clovis, NM

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Clovis, New Mexico Facts:

Clovis History

Clovis was founded in 1906 when the Santa Fe Railroad was brought to the area. It was established by engineers of the railroad who were ordered to locate a town-site in the newly developing farm area of Eastern New Mexico. The town name was chosen by a daughter of one of the railroad officials who was studying the 5th century Christian king of the Franks, "King Clovis." Clovis was incorporated in 1909.

Clovis' world-renowned Cannon Air Force Base was opened in 1942, and has had a great impact on the community ever since. This impact was in full display when the base was officially placed on the BRAC closure list in 2005 and the community responded with "Operation Keep Cannon." The effort saw Clovis residents write hundreds of letters, make hundreds of phone calls, and spend numerous volunteer hours in support of keeping the base open. On June 20, 2006, Cannon was officially removed from the base closure list.

Clovis Attractions

Clovis maintains a variety of attractions including:

Popular Businesses Near Clovis

Clovis Ambulance Service logo

Clovis Ambulance Service

Names and Numbers Verified Ambulance Service Repossessing Service
320 Mitchell Clovis, NM
Plateau logo


Names and Numbers Verified Computer Cable & Wire Installation Computers - Networking Internet Access Providers Internet Products & Services Long Distance Service
7111 N Prince Clovis, NM
Clovis-Carver Public Library logo

Clovis-Carver Public Library

Names and Numbers Verified Libraries
701 N Main Clovis, NM
Bellview Police Dept logo

Bellview Police Dept

Names and Numbers Verified Police Departments
Clovis, NM

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