Local Businesses in Coffeyville, KS - Names and Numbers

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Coffeyville, KS

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Coffeyville, Kansas Facts:

County: Montgomery

Coverage Area (Total): 7.43 sq. miles

Elevation: 738 ft.

Population: 10,137

Cities/Towns covered in local Names and Numbers Phone Book: Kansas – Altoona, Benedict, Caney, Chautauqua, Cherryvale, Coffeyville, Coyville, Dearing, Elk City, Fredonia, Havana, Independence, LaFontaine, Liberty, Neodesha, Niotaze, Peru, Sedan, Sycamore, Thayer, Tyro; Oklahoma – Copan, South Coffeyville, Wann

Coffeyville History

Coffeyville was founded by Col. James A. Coffey in 1869 as a trading post with the Osage Indians. The town's first school was actually held in Coffey's house and taught by his daughter, Mary, with the first tax-supported school beginning in 1870. The town's initial incorporation in 1872 was voided on the account of a technicality, but the city was re-incorporated in 1873.

Coffeyville has always been known as a center of industry and manufacturing. It is home to one of Amazon.com's major fulfillment centers (since 1999), and is also home to John Deere Corporation's Coffeyville Works. Other big business players operating out of the Coffeyville area include CVR Energy (oil refinery/nitrogen fertilizer plant), Sherwin Williams (chemical plant), and Cessna Aircraft.

Coffeyville Attractions

Coffeyville maintains a variety of attractions including:

Popular Businesses Near Coffeyville

Albers Marine Inc logo

Albers Marine Inc

Names and Numbers Verified All-Terrain Vehicles (Atvs) Bait & Tackle Boat Dealers Boat Repair & Maintenance Boat Storage
Hwy 69 7 Miles N of Pittsburg Arma, KS
Montgomery County Health Dept logo

Montgomery County Health Dept

Names and Numbers Verified Health Departments
908 S Walnut Coffeyville, KS
Nowata City-County Public Library logo

Nowata City-County Public Library

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224 S Pine Nowata, OK
G.W. Photography logo

G.W. Photography

Names and Numbers Verified Photographers - Weddings Portrait Photographers Wedding Photographers Wedding Supplies & Services
1627 Dirr Parsons, KS

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