Local Businesses in Portales, NM - Names and Numbers

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Portales, NM

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Portales, New Mexico Facts:

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Portales History

Settlement in the Portales area occurred in the late 19th century when cattle herders discovered a water source running from a rocky ledge. This watering hole was called "Portales," which kick-started local ranching efforts. The city was formally established in 1909 with the arrival of the railroad system.

Eastern New Mexico University was founded in 1934 as a junior college, but became a four-year institution by the mid-20th century. It is the third largest state university in New Mexico and strongly supports the overall Portales economy. The city is also one of the largest producers of Valencia peanuts and is the nation’s top producer of certified organic peanut butter. Over 40 dairies reside in Portales, which produces and exports hundreds of millions of dollars of local milk products each year.

Portales Attractions

Portales maintains a variety of attractions including:

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