Local Businesses in Tucumcari, NM - Names and Numbers

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Tucumcari, NM

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Tucumcari, New Mexico Facts:

Tucumcari History

The area known as Tucumcari was founded in 1901 as a construction camp built by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. Due to the numerous gunfights that occurred in the community, it was originally named Six Shooter Siding. Once it grew into a permanent settlement, it was renamed Tucumcari (after Tucumcari Mountain) in 1908.

Clint Eastwood has been connected to the Tucumcari area through two of his most popular early roles in television and film – scenes for the television show "Rawhide" and the classic Sergio Leone film "For a Few Dollars More," both starring Eastwood, were shot in the Tucumcari area.

Tucumcari Attractions

Tucumcari maintains a variety of attractions including:

Popular Businesses Near Tucumcari

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