Local Businesses in four county - Names and Numbers

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Four County

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Four County, Kansas Facts:

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Four County History

"Four County" is the name assigned to our Names and Numbers' directory to describe the areas of Allen, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson counties:

Allen County was founded in 1855 as one of the 33 counties established by the first territorial legislature of Kansas. The first town of Allen, and county seat, was Cofachique. The county's first jail was constructed in Iola in 1869 at a cost of $8,400.

Neosho County was founded in 1861. Neosho is divided into 12 townships, with Chanute being its largest town and Erie serving as the county seat. Following an amendment to the Kansas Constitution in 1986, the county remained a prohibition county until 1998.

Wilson County was founded in 1855 as one of the original territorial counties of Kansas, as well. Neodesha and Fredonia are the county’s largest towns, with Fredonia serving as the county seat.

Woodson County was also one of the original counties founded in 1855. Yates Center is its largest town and serves as the county seat.

Four County Attractions

Four County Kansas maintains a variety of attractions including:

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Colony Police Dept

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Chanute, KS
Neodesha Head Start logo

Neodesha Head Start

Names and Numbers Verified Schools - Pre-School & Kindergarten - Academic
1103 N 6th St Neodesha, KS
Fredonia Utilities Service logo

Fredonia Utilities Service

Names and Numbers Verified Electric Utility Companies Water Utility Companies
100 N 15th St Fredonia, KS

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