Dentists in Artesia, NM - Names and Numbers
Dentists costs in Artesia, NM

According to the minimum dentists costs for homeowners in Artesia, NM is $198, the average is $613 and the maximum is $3208.

Distribution of dentists costs in Artesia, NM
Popular dentists services

Based on our statistics of searches in Artesia, NM the most popular services provided by dentists are: teeth cleanings, dental bonding and dental sealants.

Popular services provided by dentists in Artesia, NM
Servicing zip codes

Dentists in this list provide services to multiple zip codes in and around Artesia (i.e 88210, 88211). For specific service areas, kindly reach out to the individual businesses.

Dentists in Artesia, NM

  • Alcohol & Drug Information & Treatment Centers Counselors - Marriage, Family, Child & Individual Crisis Intervention Services Dentists

    Artesia Family Health Center from Artesia, NM. Company specialized in: Alcohol & Drug Information & Treatment Centers. Please call us for more information - (575) 746-9848

    1105 Memorial Dr Artesia, NM
    (575) 746-9848
  • Dentists Denture Clinics Dental Equip Supplies

    ASPEN DENTAL is a reputable dental clinic located in Roswell, New Mexico, specializing in general dentistry services. We provide a range of dental and denture services to cater to our patients' oral health needs. At ASPEN DENTAL, we prioritize accessibility and convenience, of…

    Artesia, NM
    (208) 298-2358
  • Dentists Dentists - General Dentistry

    At Randy A Barone DDS, LLC our goal is to improve the lives of those we serve. We accomplish this as we build lasting relationships with our patients. We will create a customized positive dental experience that will leave our patients satisfied practicing good dental health help…

    Artesia, NM
    (575) 623-4161
  • Dentists Dentists - Orthodontics

    Michael M Taylor DDS MSD is a dental practice located in Roswell, specializing in orthodontics. Our practice is dedicated to providing high-quality and affordable orthodontic treatments, with a particular focus on Invisalign. We offer a range of treatment options, including clea…

    Artesia, NM
    (575) 622-4369
  • Dentists

    Smile Xpressions from Artesia, NM. Company specialized in: Dentists. Please call us for more information - (575) 746-1900

    Artesia, NM
    (575) 746-1900
  • Dentists

    Yucca Dental Center from Artesia, NM. Company specialized in: Dentists. Please call us for more information - (575) 736-3100

    Artesia, NM
    (575) 736-3100

Search results hints


We looked for the best Dentists in Artesia, NM. Want more options? Consider expanding your search to all of New Mexico state.


This list includes only Dentists and related businesses. Each entry provides at least one form of contact information (phone, website, or email).

Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.