Non-Denominational Churches in Bexar County - Names and Numbers

Non-Denominational Churches in Bexar County

  • Churches Churches - Charismatic Non-Denominational Churches

    Christian House Of Prayer from San Antonio, TX. Company specialized in: Churches. Please call us for more information - (325) 653-0418

    San Antonio, TX
    (325) 653-0418
  • Churches Social Service Agencies & Organizations Thrift Shops Charities

    Salvation Army The from Midland, TX. Company specialized in: Social Service Agencies & Organizations. Call us for more - 432-683-3614

    Big Springs, TX
    (252) 633-3921
  • Non-Denominational Churches

    The Joy Of Jesus Christ Center from San Antonio, TX. Company specialized in: Non-Denominational Churches. Please call us for more information - (325) 212-7904

    San Antonio, TX
    (325) 212-7904
  • Churches Churches - Charismatic Churches - Interdenominational Non-Denominational Churches

    Victory Christian Center is a Non-Denominational Word Based Church, led by Pastors Dr. Jerry Roach and Linda Roach. Our church is dedicated to spreading the Word of Faith and providing spiritual guidance to the community. We offer a range of services and programs aimed at nurtur…

    San Antonio, TX
    (252) 756-5647

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This compilation contains solely Non-Denominational Churches and similar businesses. Every business listed includes at least one way to contact them, be it via phone, website, or email.

Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.