Physical Therapists in Frontenac, KS - Names and Numbers
Servicing zip codes

Physical Therapists in this list provide services to multiple zip codes in and around Frontenac (i.e 66763). For specific service areas, kindly reach out to the individual businesses.

Physical Therapists in Frontenac, KS

  • Names and Numbers Verified Health & Wellness Centers Physical Therapists Wellness Centers

    Movement is Life! How your body moves determines how your body feels. Our Team of highly trained Physical Therapists are here to help you reach your full potential. We started out as a Private Physical Therapy Clinic, but soon realized our local community needed more, which mo…

    1014 Mt Carmel Pl Pittsburg, KS
    (620) 235- show number
  • Hospitals Physical Therapists Home Health Care Services Mental Health Centers & Counselors

    Our Mission is to provide excellent healthcare with compassion as we support our communities and provide an environment where our employees and physicians can achieve personal and professional goals. Our Vision is to excel in healthcare with an inspired team of employees and p…

    1011 N Hwy 69 Frontenac, KS
    (620) 235-1377
  • Clinics - Medical Clinics Medical Hospitals Home Health Care Services

    Girard Medical Center Health Clinics is a leading hospital and healthcare provider in the Girard area. With various clinic locations, including Hospital, Arma, Cherokee, Frontenac, and Uniontown, our team of dedicated healthcare professionals is committed to providing quality me…

    Frontenac, KS
    (620) 231-6160

Search results hints


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This list includes only Physical Therapists and related businesses. Each entry provides at least one form of contact information (phone, website, or email).

Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What are people saying about Physical Therapists in Frontenac, KS?

This is one of reviews for a physical therapists in Frontenac, KS:

The physical therapists are hepful, friendly, and know what they're doing. Pinamonti's makes the world of difference in my life. Worth every penny and every minute that I spend there. Thank you, Pinamonti Physical Therapy and Wellness Center!

See more reviews for this business